There is nothing I love more than to explore new potential birding spots in Cochrane District; and the great thing about living here is that I will never run out of areas to explore because it is immense. With a land area of 141,268.51 square km, it is the second largest district in Ontario after Kenora, and it is almost the same size as the 40 Southern Ontario counties combined. Camping at Fushimi Lake Provincial Park has been on my wish list for many years, and since we were in Moonbeam on August 17, we decided to continue west and spend 4 days there.
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Morning fog on Fushimi Lake Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (21 August 2019) |
We made a brief stop at the Hearst Sewage Lagoons before going to the park. It is by far the largest lagoon I've ever visited, with 7 ponds: 4 large ones and 3 smaller ones. We only covered 5 of the 7 cells in 1h30 hours (because of intense heat & limited time) This place would require at least 3 hours to bird properly. It was a very hot late afternoon and no songbirds were around but we did see a good number and variety of waterfowl and 5 Red-necked Phalaropes.
2 of 5 Red-necked Phalaropes Hearst Sewage Lagoons (17 August 2019) |
5 Red-necked Phalaropes Hearst (17 August 2019) |
Fushimi Lake Provincial Park is one of the northernmost operating road-accessible provincial parks in the Northeastern Ontario region. To get there, you have to drive 25 km west of Hearst on Highway 11 then approximately 14 km northbound on a gravel road. It is a quiet, beautiful, small park that is worth the drive. We had a great, private campsite. Side note: If you don't have an RV or don't want to sleep in a tent (nights get cold up north in August) there is now a cabin for rent right in the park on the shore of Fushimi Lake.
Achilles Lake Trail - Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (19 August 2019) |
The one thing that was clear when we got there was the abundant number of White-winged Crossbills around. There were practically none around this past winter, but we've been seeing a lot from Timmins to Hearst since June. If you look at the next photo, you'll see why; the cone crops are great. White-winged Crossbills were calling and singing everywhere in the park from the moment we arrived. It was a real treat, and I probably saw more in during those 4 days than in the last 3 years combined. A important number of Pine Siskins were also around as well as a few Purple Finches.
WWCR feeding on the abundant White Spruce cones Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (19 August 2019) |
White-winged Crossbill singing over our campsite Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (August 2019) |
The last 2 weeks of August are always ideal for warblers moving in groups in the boreal forest, and Fushimi certainly didn't disappoint. Because warblers are sometimes silent (or use minimal calls) in the fall, one of my favourite strategies is to get up early and follow the Black-capped Chickadees. Unlike warblers, they will constantly vocalize while feeding and if you follow their sound, you might find mixed-species flocks (warblers, vireos and kinglets) feeding near them. Out of the 16 species of warblers we saw during our stay, 14 of them were found feeding in proximity to chickadees.
Following the Black-capped Chickadee to find warblers Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (18 August 2019) |
Northern Waterthrush on our campsite! Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (18 August 2019) |
Canada Warbler Fushimi Provincial Park (18 August 2019) |
Bay-breasted Warbler Fushimi Provincial Park (19 August 2019) |
Blackburnian Warbler Fushimi Provincial Park (19 August 2019) |
Black-and White Warbler Fushimi Provincial Park (19 August 2019) |
Magnolia Warbler Fushimi Provincial Park (19 August 2019) |
This juvenile Magnolia Warbler was being fed by both parents Fushimi Provincial Park (20 August 2019) |
Fire Tower Trail - Fushimi Lake Provincial Park 20 August 2019 |
Ovenbird on the Fire Tower Trail Fushimi Provincial Park (20 August 2019) |
Black-throated Green Warbler Fire Tower Trail - Fushimi (20 August 2019) |
Blue-headed Vireo Fire Tower Trail - Fushimi (20 August 2019) |
Other species of note that we observed but didn't photograph: a Black-backed Woodpecker flying around the campground and in the Fire Tower Trail during the last 2 days of our stay. We also observed 2 Boreal Chickadees right near the Fire Tower.
Fire lookout tower built in the 1930s Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (20 August 2019) |
Common Raven on a foggy morning Fushimi Provincial Park (21 August 2019) |
Overall, we loved Fushimi Lake Provincial Park and I hope I get the chance to return. I am very grateful for our Ontario Parks system; they offer wonderful protected natural spaces where we can explore the best of Ontario.
Roughed Grouse near our campsite Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (21 August 2019) |
Bald Eagle flying over the beach Fushimi Lake Provincial Park (20 August 2019) |