Friday, October 4, 2013

Le Conte's Sparrow

The last 2 days were beautiful fall days ... and I got to do some more birding in and around Moonbeam's Sewage Lagoon.

Ring-necked Duck / Fuligule à collier
Moonbeam Sewage Lagoon (Oct 2013)

There's still plenty of life in the ponds, including Mallards, Ring-necked ducks, American Wigeon, Canada geese, American Coot, Green-winged Teal and Common Goldeneye.  I also spotted a Bufflehead for the first time.

I was very excited to see my very first Le Conte's Sparrow tonight.

Le Conte's Sparrow / Bruant de Le Conte
Moonbeam Sewage Lagoon (Oct 2013)