
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Costa Rica (Part 1) Arenal Volcano area

I just came back from a 2 week trip to Costa Rica.  Although it was not a birding trip, I did try to see some interesting birds without annoying the other 5 non-birders in our group of 6.  We went to a few different locations, including Arenal Volcano / La Fortuna area, Cano Negro, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Palo Verde and Tamarindo.

It was my first time in Costa Rica and I was overall very impressed by everything. The respect the Costa Ricans have for the environment is inspiring.  There is lush vegetation everywhere and the people are proud of the abundance of trees and wildlife. The people were extremely friendly and the local foods were delicious everywhere we went.

Here are a few of the highlights for the first 3 days of our trip.

Arenal Volcano / La Fortuna area

We had a river running behind the hotel, with lush rainforest surrounding it.

River behind our hotel in La Fortuna

The vegetation was amazing. Here are just a few of the birds I found right on the hotel property during our 3 day stay in La Fortuna.

Montezuma Oropendola - I love their song!
La Fortuna - Costa Rica (Dec 2018)

Keel-billed Toucan
La Fortuna-Costa Rica

Black-crowned Tityra (F)
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

Yellow-throated Toucan
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

White-collared Manakin (F)
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

Olive-backed Euphonia
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

Streak-headed Woodcreeper
La Fortuna - Costa Rica 

Rufous-tailed Jacamar
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

Yellow-olive Flycatcher
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

Scarlet-rumped Tanager (Passerini's)
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
La Fortuna - Costa Rica

We went for a nature tour that brought us to see Three-toed Sloths in the wild.  When our guide found out I was interested in birds, he was king enough to also stop at many places for birds and he was very knowledgeable. We did see lots of sloths: 1 Two-toed Sloth and about 6 Three-toed Sloths. And we also saw many birds that morning.

Three-toed Sloth with baby
La Fortuna area 
Black-cowled Oriole
La Fortuna / Arenal - Costa Rica

Gray Hawk - La Fortuna - Costa Rica

Squirrel Cuckoo - La Fortuna, Costa Rica 
White-necked Jacobin - La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Green Thorntail
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Green Honeycreeper
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Grayish Saltator
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Black-headed Saltator
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Palm Tanager - La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Buff-throated Saltator
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Red-throated Ant Tanager
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Scarlet-rumped Cacique
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Collared Aracari - La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Blue-gray Tanager - La Fortuna, Costa Rica 
Red-legged Honeycreeper
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Cano Negro - Boat Tour on the Rio Frio

We did a boat tour on the Rio Frio in the Cano Negro region.  It was great to see lots of Caimans, Basilisks and Spider Monkeys. And of course, many bird species as well.

Spectacled Caiman - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Basilisk - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Basilisk, also called the Jesus Christ lizard
for its ability to run on the surface of water
Rio Frio - Costa Rica

Green Kingfisher, Rio Frio- Costa Rica

Spider Monkey - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Sungrebe - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Russet-naped Wood-Rail
Prothonotary Warbler - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Ringed Kingfisher - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Mangrove Swallow - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Amazon Kingfisher - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Great Potoo - Rio Frio, Costa Rica

Great Potoo

Northern Jacana - Road to Rio Frio 

We left the Arenal area on January 1st to go start the year in my favourite spot of the trip, the Monteverde Cloud Forest (coming up in Part 2)

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