
Monday, February 13, 2017

Great Gray Owl and Gyrfalcon - 2017 has been great so far

Since I started birding seriously, I've been dreaming of seeing a Great Gray Owl.  This bird has been  #1 on my wish list for as long as I can remember and even though we've been exploring so much of Northern Ontario's wilderness in the last 10 years, I had never seen one.  Until this Saturday.

Great Gray Owl / Chouette Lapone
South Porcupine (11 February 2017)
I always had a clear detailed fantasy about how I wanted my first Great Gray Owl sighting to happen... in a trail (and not from far away in a field) And that's exactly how it happened...but even better than I had imagined.  It happened 2 days ago.  Walking in a quiet trail on a winter day with Gary.  The snow piled on the branches.  There were a bunch of chickadees being agitated and vocal near us so we slowed down.  Gary stayed a bit behind to investigate and I slowly turned a corner... and arrived face to face with a Great Gray Owl.  It was perched low in a tree and I had a great view of it.  I was unbelievably close.  It took a few seconds for my brain to realized what was happening.  You dream about it for so many years that it almost comes as a shock when it happens. The bird was not looking in my direction at first so I slowly took my camera out (I was so close there was no need for binoculars!) I turned and gestured to my husband to advance near me so he could get a look.  I took 3 photos and then we just looked at it.  I didn't try to get the perfect shot. I just wanted to enjoy the moment.  Gary and I watched it for a bit before it flew away.  It flew very low, about 4 feet off the ground right in front of us, into the thick forest.  I can't express how beautiful it was to see it fly so close to us. No sound. Just pure perfection. It is by far the most fascinating bird I have ever seen.
Great Gray Owl / Chouette Lapone
South Porcupine (11 February 2017)
This longing to see a Great Gray Owl has been with me for so long that it will be a little strange not to have it any longer.  I will have to find another bird to fill its spot at #1 on my wish list.  Right now it's a tie between the Barred Owl and the Boreal Owl.  (I've heard a Boreal Owl a few times before but I have never seen one)  

I have to admit that 2017 has been great so far, with 3 lifers in the last 40 days.  First was the American Three-toed Woodpecker.  Then, on January 28, I found my first Gyrfalcon near a field in Timmins.
Gyrfalcon / Faucon gerfaut
Timmins (28 January 2017)
I hope 2017 will continue to be as exciting, but I'm realistic enough to know moments like these don't come very often.  That's why you have to really appreciate these moments when they happen. 


  1. Wow, beautiful photos! That would be amazing to see a great gray owl so close.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Yes it was amazing; definitely something I won't forget.
