
Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Weekend with Rusty Blackbirds

I got to watch a flock of 14 Rusty Blackbirds on the Porcupine Lake trail Friday morning.  They are amazing looking birds.  I never had a chance to get such a good look at them so I took advantage of the nice day and I watched them for a long time.  OK, for a very long time… Friday and Saturday. 
Rusty Blackbird / Quiscale rouilleux
Porcupine Lake (26 September 2014)
This one found a dead minnow and I watched him as he enjoyed his feast.

Another Rusty Blackbird
I went back this afternoon and they were still there.  It was a hot day (25 Celsius).  Some of them were coping with the heat by bathing in the little stream.  
Rusty Blackbirds
This is the last one, I promise...
Rusty Blackbird - Porcupine Lake (27 Sept 2014)

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