
Monday, May 5, 2014

Great first weekend of May

After the exceptionally long freezing winter we just had, it is really hard to stay inside.  Rain or shine, Gary and I needed to get outside again this weekend to look for birds.  We were happy to see our first Common Loon of the year.
The Loon is back!  May 3rd 2014
We were surprised to see our first Tree Swallow on Sunday flying over the shore of Porcupine Lake near the Airport Hotel.  It was flying erratically, probably struggling to find some flies (we don't have many flies yet but I know we'll get them soon).  The trails around Porcupine Lake are partly flooded, so is the kids' playground (there were Mallards swimming under the swings !)  I'm afraid it'll get much worst once the lake starts melting. Let's hope for a lot of sunshine.
Porcupine Lake - May 4, 2014
Sunday, we spent 2 hours around Porcupine Lake, walking the trails that were not flooded.  At one point, we surprised a Juvenile Bald Eagle that was perched on the shores of the Lake near the wooded trail.  In that trail, we also watched this Yellow-bellied Sapsucker for a while. 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Porcupine Lake (4 May 2014)
Just before leaving, this beautiful Osprey came out calling and flying over our head; it was our first of the year.
Osprey - Porcupine Lake
(4 May 2014)
After our walk, we went for a drive to Frederick House Lake with Gary's parents following us but we didn't see any birds there.  There is lots of exposed mud and sand so I'm hoping for shore birds soon at this location.  On our way home, we spotted a bird perched on a tree near the road and as we got closer, the size of it's head made us slow down and stop.  It was my very first Northern Hawk Owl !  And what a wonderful view we had.  It was just on the other side of the road.  
Northern Hawk Owl / Chouette épervière
(4 May 2014)
What a great way to end a wonderful birding weekend… These owls are active in daytime and they often perch on the very top of trees.  Like this:
Northern Hawk Owl / Chouette épervière
(4 May 2014)


  1. Great find on the owl! We're still looking for our first one in Cochrane...

  2. Thanks. We have such a wide area of forest here in Cochrane District… they have lots of places to hide. I guess we were just lucky that this one was there as we drove by.
